Ancient Cities, Modern Inquiries: Contemporary Debates Focusing on Africa and the Middle East
July 5 - 9, 2016
Yale University, Henry R. Luce Hall
34 Hillhouse Avenue, New Haven, CT
Africa and the Middle East not only dominate newspaper headlines today, but appear in countless history textbooks as the birthplaces of humanity and civilization. Join us this summer as we explore the ancient city in various African and Middle Eastern contexts as it was historically conceived, built, and lived in over time and geopolitical space. The institute will offer a thematic survey of the most important ancient cities in Africa and the Middle East, addressing topics such as daily life, ancient urban design and architecture, and how ancient peoples solved urban problems that continue to challenge cities today. With leading experts drawn from across the United States, we will discuss how the decision to live in cities continues to inform the present through the legacies of urbanization. Invited speakers will discuss the current state of the field and introduce debates about the contested place that ancient cities hold in contemporary narratives and scholarship about African and Middle Eastern peoples. The institute will also offer a range of resources for teachers interested in integrating these topics into their classroom curriculum. These include pedagogical workshops for teachers on how to analyze and teach primary sources from Africa and the Middle East, as well as how to utilize materials in local collections such as Yale’s world-class Babylonian collection (the largest in the United States), the Peabody Museum, and Yale Art gallery for classroom visits and discussion.
Tuition for the program is $175. Space is limited.
Optional Field Trip to Ethiopia (July 9-21, 2016): A highlight to this institute includes an optional field trip to Ethiopia, where participants will be accompanied by a Yale regional expert to further their understanding of the country’s rich history and culture. Space is limited. Participation in this field trip is not a requirement of the institute.
Register early and receive a discount of 5%; valid through February 17th, 2016.
For more information on the trip and how to register, contact the tour organizer, GEEO, at:
For more information on the institute, please contact us at