July 10-14, 2006
The 25th annual Yale-Hopkins Summer Seminar (YHSS ‘06) will be held at Yale and in Russia. An intensive five days of seminars and workshops in New Haven, July 10-14, will be followed by a two-week July 15-29 tour of Moscow, St. Petersburg, Vladimir, Suzdal’, and Yaroslavl. Participants may attend either or both parts of this unique YHSS. All three weeks will examine the tumultuous events of the past six years and their historical, economic, and social context. Topics will include: political life and the ambiguous drift toward authoritarianism; the economics of oil and reform; Russian-American relations; Russia and Europe; byt - getting by in everyday life; the future of Russian literature; Orthodoxy and religious conflict; Soviet and Post-Soviet film; and education at the crossroads.
Sponsored by the Council on European Studies, YCIAS, and the U.S. Department of Education through a Title VI National Resource Center grant.
Tuition for the one-week New Haven program is $300. The Russia study tour itself, including tuition and airfare, will cost about $3,200.