Yale-Hopkins Summer Seminar 2010
July 6-13, 2010
The 29th annual Yale-Hopkins Summer Seminar (YHSS ’10) will take as its theme “Immigration, Ethnicity, and Religion in Europe.” An intensive seven days of seminars and workshops, July 6-13, will include a Saturday field trip to New York City and will examine the political, cultural, economic, and social consequences of immigration in an increasingly secular Europe that is struggling to both maintain its various national identities and to become a more unified economic and cultural space. Comparisons with immigration in America should be most enlightening. Participants are also invited to attend the July 14-16 NCSS-PIER Conference “Innovative Approaches to the Teaching of World History,” the tuition for which is included in the YHSS fee.
Registration for YHSS ’10 alone or for the YHSS plus the NCSS-PIER Conference is $350, which includes all texts and materials.
Sponsored by the European Studies Council, the MacMillan Center, and the U.S. Department of Education through a Title VI National Resource Center grant. Co-sponsored by the Connecticut Geographic Alliance.
For more information, please contact PIER Director Brian Carter at 203-432-3424 or at brian.carter@yale.edu.