A Search for Long, Healthy, and Creative Lives: Human Development in Latin America

July 9-14, 2007

How do we explain poverty and inequality in Latin America? Is economic growth a guarantee for human development? How long do people live in Latin America? Do they acquire knowledge and skills and apply them to enhance their well-being and that of society? This intensive educational institute will explore critical questions and dilemmas defining people’s lives in Latin America and their search for quality of life. Learning about human development underscores the importance of having decent livelihoods in various Latin American countries in relation to their various cultural, political, economic, and social contexts. Sessions will include academics and international practitioners from all disciplines whose work has been dedicated to the understanding and improvement of human development in Latin America. Tuition for the New Haven program is $150, and includes texts and materials.

Sponsored by the Council on Latin American and Iberian Studies, the MacMillan Center, and the U.S. Department of Education through a Title VI National Resource Center grant.

Tuition: $150