July 6 - 9, 2010 (Yale)
July 11 - 22, 2010(Ecuador)
How should educators conceive of and teach about Ecuador? With the focus of providing a general overview of the nation, this institute will discuss important current events, and explore Ecuadorian geography, politics, history, and economics. Experts on Ecuador will share their expertise during this dynamic, intensive, interdisciplinary week. Apart from learning about the amazing natural diversity found in this nation we will also learn about its cultural richness. Educators in the Northeast will find this four-day institute useful because of the growing number of migrants from Ecuador to the U.S., especially to NY, NJ, and CT. Educators and members of the media and business communities are welcome to register for this institute to improve their understanding of Ecuador and Ecuadorian communities in the United States. The New Haven portion of this institute will be complemented by an optional field study, “The Indigenous Peoples and Cultures of Ecuador,” and will include orientation tours, site visits to museums, meetings with various cultural groups, and lectures. The group will be based in Quito, but will also travel to various locations in the Andean highlands. Applicants who apply for and complete the New Haven portion of the institute will be given preferential admission. Fee $1350 + airfare.
Registration fee for the New Haven program is $150, and includes all texts, materials, and more. Sponsored by the Council on Latin American & Iberian Studies, the MacMillan Center, and the U.S. Department of Education through a Title VI National Resource Center grant; and co-sponsored by the Connecticut Geographic Alliance.
Please contact Elena Serapiglia, PIER Director, for more information at 203-432-5605; elena.serapiglia@yale.edu.