Center for the Teaching of French Immersion Workshop and Field Study: Quebec

June 24-28, 2007

The immersion workshop on Quebec will be held at Yale June 22-24 (1:00 pm Friday to 1:00 pm Sunday). The cost will be $200 including meals beginning Friday evening through lunch on Sunday. Workshops include Quebecois music and song, history, education, cinema, literature. There will be a recent Quebecois movie with discussion Friday evening and a musical presentation Saturday evening. Participants can commute to Yale or stay in dormitory rooms at Yale (in two-room suites sharing a bathroom). Rooms are available for $75 per night per person. The workshop will be followed by a field study to Quebec City and Montreal. CEUs will be offered for both the workshop at Yale and the field study to Quebec. If interested in attending the workshop, download, print, and complete the application/housing form, and mail it to the address stated on the form with your deposit by May 15.  Your check should be made payable to “Yale University.”

Please sign up for the field study by April 15 ( A minimum of 20 participants are required for the field study trip, and the first check of $200 is due May 1.

Preliminary Itinerary:
Quebec City and Montreal June 24-28

June 24
Depart New Haven (Yale University, 34 Hillhouse Avenue) 1:00 pm
Arrive Quebec City 10:30 pm (dinner stop en route at rest area/ boxed dinners)
Overnight: University of Laval dormitory, Quebec City (single rooms)

June 25
Breakfast at dormitory leave 9:15
10:00 Changing of the guard at the citadelle and visit of parliment
Lunch in old city at individual’s choice of restaurant and walking tour
Meet at Musée de la civilisation lower city at 2:00, visit of museum including Tintin exhibit with audio tour, walking tour of lower city
Pick up at 5:00 lower city to visit Plains of Abraham and dinner at local restaurant,
Return to dormitory

June 26
Breakfast at dormitory and guided tour of university of Laval
Leave at 9:00 (with luggage on coach) to go to Mont St. Anne and the Montmorency Falls, Atelier Paré (woodcarving shop with a raconteur who will tell some Quebecois legends), visit Chez Marie for maple sugar/butter, Leave for Montreal
Lunch on route Chez Dany, cabane à sucre (near Trois Rivières)
Arrive Montreal late afternoon; check in at B & B (Chez Roger Bontemps
1441, rue Wolfe and B&B Le Chasseur, 1567 rue Saint-André)/double rooms
Dinner in small groups at participants’ choice of restaurant
Optional fireworks at La Ronde (Ile St. Hélène) or other optional activity

June 27
Breakfast at B & B
Presentation on French language by Jean-Benoît Nadeau, author of The Story of French and Sixty Frenchmen Can’t be Wrong
Lunch on own, meet 1:30 for visit of Parc Olympique
Visit of lower city
Dinner 6:00, Evening activity (TBD)

June 28
Breakfast at B & B
Depart for Mont Royal (with baggage on bus), visit Oratoire St- Joseph
Lunch in city and time for shopping or visit to Musée des Beaux Arts
Depart 2:00 for Connecticut
Arrival 9:30 pm New Haven (brief dinner stop en route in Vermont)

Cost: $550 includes coach transportation, rooms and breakfast, two dinners, boxed diner en route to Quebec, lunch Chez Dany (cabane à sucre), visits to Musée de la Civilisation/Atelier Paré/Parc Olympique, presentation on French language. Both Sharon and Anne-Céline will accompany the group.