2006 PIER Institutes | Eligibility | CEU Credits | Tuition & Fees | Housing | Location
Brochure and Application | Housing Form
The MacMillan Center’s PIER Summer Institutes have been providing continuing education and professional development for educators for more than twenty years.
The PIER institutes are intensive, interdisciplinary programs. Each institute includes lectures and seminars by leading scholars and experts from Yale and other institutions; films; workshops; field trips and site visits; hands-on cultural activities; teaching resource and strategy sessions; and sessions on technological resources for teaching about these world areas.
2006 PIER Institutes Keynote Speaker
Merry Merryfield
Professor of Social Studies and Global Education
Ohio State University
“Teaching for Global Competence”
Monday, July 10 @ 10:30 AM
Luce Hall Auditorium
Today’s teachers seek to prepare young people with the knowledge, skills and experiences needed for participation in an increasingly globally connected world. In this presentation Dr. Merryfield discusses several strategies that are especially effective in teaching world cultures and global issues.
July 6-15 - The Teaching of Africa (African Studies) FULLY ENROLLED
July 10-14 - Transforming Japan: Global Connections, Domestic Developments (East Asian Studies)
July 10-14 - Putin’s Russia: Problems and Prospects (European Studies)
July 6-12 - International Development: Focus on South Africa (International Studies)
July 6-14 - Central America (Latin American Studies)
July 10-14 - Black Gold: The Geopolitics of Oil in the Middle East (Middle East Studies)
2005 PIER Institutes | 2004 PIER Institutes|2003 PIER Institutes
Institutes are open to educators, executives and media.
CEU Credits
All institutes are designed in accordance with nationwide Continuing Education Units standards. Yale is an authorized CEU provider (No. 716). Up to 8 CEU’s will be awarded upon successful completion of any of the institutes.
Tuition and Fees
Tuition for the institutes vary depending upon length of the program, and includes the cost of books and materials. (See course listings for individual tuition/fee schedules). Meals and parking are extra. Limited scholarship aid in the form of tuition waivers may be available. Additional fees may be required to cover the cost of group meals on field trips or special events.
A variety of housing plans at local hotels or in Yale campus housing and meal plans at Yale are available.
The institutes are held on the Yale University campus in New Haven, Connecticut. Most activities take place in Luce Hall, the home of The MacMillan Center, though other activities may take place in the various libraries & galleries on campus as well as in other locations. Most institutes include at least one off-campus field trip.