Lesson Plans

Echoes of Egypt: Conjuring the Land of the Pharaohs 
A Summer Institute for Educators
July 8-12, 2013

Lady X Mummy Identification Project 
Laura Krenicki
This lesson demonstrates the difficult task of archaeologists and forensic scientists in identifying Egyptian mummies. This lesson aligns with Common Core standards and provides multiple source materials for students to examine evidence and draw conclusions. In this lesson, students will take on the role of a forensic archaeologist – examining multiple sources of information regarding one mystery Egyptian mummy. This lesson is ideal for a Flipped Classroom – now all of the video clips are online and can be viewed from outside of the classroom.

Lady X Mummy Identification Project

Simplified Nefertiti Foldable

Nefertiti and Tut Family Tree.pptx


The Writings of Ancient Egyptians
Marilyn Coats-Thomas
Students will be engaged in a DBQ (Document Based Question) exercise in which they take various Egyptian source materials and answer questions on their understanding of the sources.

The Kingdoms of Ancient Egypt - Jigsaw Activity
Timothy Curtis
This lesson is designed to help the students understand the major periods of Egyptian history and the major accomplishments and events that occurred in each period.

Three Kingdom Jigsaw Lesson

Egypt Timeline

Close Reading of “The Shipwrecked Sailor”
Marcia Daley-Savo
This lesson is part of a larger module focusing on Egyptian Writing and literature. Prior to this lesson, students will have been given background information on the development of Egyptian writing, specifically the development of Hieroglyphic, Hieratic and Demotic writing.

It’s a Curator’s Life for Me
Michelle Davis
Students work in small groups to learn about the work of a museum curator. The groups will apply that knowledge to research in order to create their own museum of Egyptian artifacts that are categorized into four groups: Religion, Daily Life, Hieroglyphs/Literature and Egyptian inspired Art (Egyptomania). Finally, the students will record an audio tour of their museum to show how each of the artifacts they have selected applies to the different categories.

It’s A Curator’s Life For Me LESSON PLAN

It’s a Curator’s Life for Me Cover

It’s a Curator’s Life for Me Essay

It’s a Curator’s Life for Me

Museum Curator Article 1

Museum Curator Article 2

Museum Curator Articles Venn Diagram

QPA Rubric Museum Curator

The Gods, Religion, Hieroglyphs, and the Importance of Maat
Mark Dilone
This lesson is meant to make connections between the themes of Religion and Maat (order in the world) through depictions in the art, language, and literature of the Ancient Egyptians.

The Gods, Religion, Hieroglyphs, and the Importance of Maat

The Gods, Religion, Hieroglyphs, and the importance of Maat.pptx

How did Ancient Egypt impact the world of art?
Virginia Gunther
The lesson will focus on the use of Hieroglyphs and basic Egyptian religious ideas to express the role of the Gods in Egyptian life/ death, and the role of “Maat” in the world of the Egyptians.

The Many Faces of Egyptian Gods
Kerry Kraft
This lesson is related to the Summer Institute theme of Egyptian Religion, specifically our session on the Egyptian concepts of gods taught by Professor Manassa. The end result for this lesson will be students writing Exhibit Text for a group of artifacts. The aspects of curating an exhibit and providing comprehensive information for visitors were an important part of discussion during our visits to the Echoes of Egypt exhibit at the Peabody Museum.

The Many Faces of Egyptian Gods

Egyptian Religion.key

Long Live the King
Richard Lewis
This lesson will focus on the role and power of kings in Ancient Egypt. Ancient Egyptian beliefs in gods and the afterlife will also be part of the lesson. Most student work will be done in small groups. The lesson will include a brief play set in the time just after the death of King Tutankhamun.

Ancient Egyptian Voices
Anne Maier
This lesson serves as a preface to the introduction of Egyptian gods and goddesses. Its objective is to allow students to recognize the varying literary genres and expressive voices in the Egyptian story that stand apart from the myths themselves. Through close readings of various excerpts, students will gather evidence that informs their imagined view of the ancient Egyptians.

The Dead Shall Be Raised
Pam Melton
Students will have an opportunity to prepare for their trips to the “Afterlife” in the way of the Ancient Egyptians. This will include writing an “Ideal Biography” for someone, using instructional narrative from The Book of the Dead, preparing a mummy for burial, and writing up a lab report on the mummies before, during and after the mummification process.

The Dead Shall Be Raised


Build Like an Egyptian
Rachel Merino & Stephanie Rovi
Students will discover the elements of Egyptian architecture as they research famous Egyptian sites.  After sharing their findings in group presentations students will analyze examples of Egyptian revival style for their “authentic” Egyptian elements.

Build Like an Egyptian LESSON PLAN

Egyptian or Not.pptx

Presentation Locations.pptx

Symbols & Meanings in Ancient Egypt: Inquiry-Based Activities
Sheri Moore
This activity-based unit uses ancient Egyptian jewelry as primary sources which will engage students in critical thinking and inquiry-based learning. The activities may serve as stand-alone projects or may be used in their entirety.

Symbols & Meanings in Ancient Egypt - Inquiry Based Student Activities

Echoes of Egypt: Making Connections Across the Curriculum (A Staff Development Presentation)
Dorothy Morris-Ross
Acquire knowledge of ancient Egypt, its writing system, religion & history and experience the reception of ancient Egypt from antiquity through the present and how to incorporate reception studies into the classroom.

Making Connections across the Curriculum
Peter Patsouris
Experience the reception of ancient Egypt from antiquity through the present and how to incorporate reception studies into the classroom.

Symbols & Meanings in Ancient Egypt: Jewelry
Marilyn Schaffer
The PowerPoint presentation includes samples of ancient Egyptian jewelry and the meaning of the symbols used to create the jewels. This Presentation is to serve as a supplemental resource for teaching Ancient Egypt.

Symbols & Meanings in Ancient Egypt: Jewelry

Ancient Egyptian Jewelry PRESENTATION

The Narmer Palatte
Jeffrey Smith
Students will attempt to draw conclusions about early dynastic Egypt and the reign of Narmer based on evidence from the Palette.